State of the Food Industry - Workforce Board
OFA Agri-Goof Initiatives Ontario Directory
Accessing the Market: Development of an Optimal Food Distribution Model for the South Central Ontario Region - George Morris Centre
State of the Food Industry - Workforce Board
OFA Agri-Goof Initiatives Ontario Directory
Accessing the Market: Development of an Optimal Food Distribution Model for the South Central Ontario Region - George Morris Centre
The fund had two streams one that fostered entrepreneurship in the region by increasing the access to capital through patient payback loans and a non-repayable stream for not-for-profit sector supporting regional development, stimulate business and investment, create jobs and strengthen local populations and attract visitors.
The Sand Plains Community Development Fund dollars have now been expended via investments throughout the region. Some of the dollars remain through other funds as a continued investment legacy. See a full list of project here

Former MPs: Joe Preston and Diane Finley
Original Board members: Dennis Travale, Stephen Molnar, Bob Habkirk, Wesley Hodgson, Kevin Hodge.
Staff: Cephas Panschow, Heather Bouw, Clark Hoskin
Funded by: Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations Inc. Community Futures Oxford, Community Futures Middlesex, Enterprise Brant, Venture Norfolk, Elgin Business Resource Centre