We are excited to announce that both of our websites have been updated!
On the main SCOR EDC website you can find:
Blog with features of our partners, events, and announcements
Resources Page for our SCOR EDC community partners
Information and stats about the region!

Links to workforce resources, research centres and post-secondary institutions
Overview of our community partners
and so much more!
Our SCOR Business Portal Website has also been updated! Check out the Business Portal for:
Links to all our community partners who support businesses (BIAs, COCs, CFDCs, Workforce Planning, EDOs, and more!)
FAQs and resources for new and growing businesses
List of financial incentives and programs for businesses and organizations
and a blog highlighting funding programs, business supports, and other business-related news and events

Check out both websites and let us know what you think. Want to be featured on the blog? Email scor@scorregion.com to learn more!