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Scor EDC Appointee to SWO Transportation Plan


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. March 22, 2021, Tillsonburg, ON: SCOR EDC is proud to announce that Past Chair, Stephen Molnar has been appointed to Minister Mulroney’s Mayors Task Force dedicated to the Master Transportation Plan for Southwestern Ontario.

SCOR EDC and its partner counties have been addressing transportation issues related to economic development for the past decade. The appointment of Stephen Molnar to the Ministry of Transportation Task Force will give smaller urban and rural communities in Southwestern Ontario a voice at the table. SCOR EDC applauds Minister Carolyn Mulroney in undertaking this important task. The Master Transportation Plan will address logistics issues relevant to the people in Southwestern Ontario.

Moving people and goods in an efficient and safe manner are paramount to the livability of our communities as well as the economic success. “In this day and age, transportation for people and goods is more important than ever”, comments Robert Chambers, SCOR EDC Chair. “This region has great transportation assets but there are also some unique challenges, such as abutting farm lands and smaller, dispersed populations that other larger urban neighbors may not have. It’s important that we work on solutions together. SCOR EDC Board member Stephen Molnar will do an excellent job representing this region and we are proud to have him as an appointee.”

Stephen Molnar comments, “I am honoured to be an appointee to the Mayors Task Force for the Southwestern Ontario Master Transportation Plan. The strides that SCOR EDC and its partners have made in developing solutions to transportation issues for our region is something I am particularly proud of. The creation of the recent Southwest Community Transit Network, attention to shortline rail, highway development and so much more could only have been accomplished as a partnership.”

Southwest Community Transit Network (SCT) and has appointed Alison Warwick, SCOR EDC Vice Chair to act as Chairperson for this important initiative.

For more information:

  • Provincial information on Master Transportation Plan for Southwestern Ontario:

  • Southwest Community Transit Network (SCT) is a network of community transportation systems sharing information and resources across southwestern Ontario, to connect people from community to community, across municipal boundaries. Learn more at


Media Contacts:

Robert Chambers, Chair, SCOR EDC

Phone: 519-754-6399

Alison Warwick, Vice Chair SCOR EDC


Stephen Molnar, Past Chair, SCOR EDC

Phone: 519-688-3009 ext 3234



South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC) is a not-for-profit corporation owned by the counties of Brant, Elgin, Middlesex, Norfolk & Oxford. The corporation was formed in 2010 and is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of two elected officials from each partner county. The partnership was the first of its kind in Ontario. The partnership came together as a result of the need for small urban and rural communities to tackle large issues that they did not have the resources to do on their own.

The focus of the corporation is economic development and community prosperity in the five county region. The corporation’s current priorities as outlined in its most recent strategic plan are:

  1. Infrastructure supporting economic development

  2. Human capital and workforce supporting economic development

  3. Sector development focusing on agriculture, food and manufacturing

About the region.

  • SCOR EDC has a population of around 604,000 in the rural and small urban communities.

  • SCOR geography is approximately the same size as the GTHA with about one tenth of the population.

  • The separated cities of Brantford, London and St. Thomas are not part of the SCOR partnership but are valued neighbours.


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