As mentioned two weeks ago, human capital supporting economic development is one of SCOR EDC’s three priorities.
Keep reading to find resources supporting human capital!
You can head over to the SCOR EDC Resource page to find many great resources such as: EmployerOne Survey results, labour market information, finding employees, accessing talent, succession planning and more!Visit one of the Workforce Planning Boards in the region that represents your community.
There is the Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford Workforce Planning Board and the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie.
As always, you can visit the SCOR Business Portal Incentives page to find funding, grant, tax incentives, and general programs/resources that support human capital.
Hiring Employees – Government of Ontario: Know your obligations and opportunities when it comes to hiring employees — from recruitment to payroll to tax returns — and familiarize yourself with current labour market conditions
Human Resources Management – BDC: We can help you implement a strong HR management process that will enhance your recruitment and retention practices, so you can attract and motivate qualified talent for your growing business
.Employment Ontario: Employment Ontario can help you get training, build skills or find a job. We connect people looking for work with employers looking for workers.
General Hiring Incentives: Many of these programs open up dates throughout the year or run annually. Be sure to sign up for their alerts to stay up to date on upcoming application deadlines!
Community Immigrant Retention in Rural Ontario program: Help newcomers and youth settle in your community and keep it economically vibrant.
Have questions or would like to be featured on the SCOR EDC blog? Email scor@scorregion.com for more information.