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Cannabis Learning Session: Preparing for Legalization


September 11, 2018 1:30 – 3:15 pm

Legalization of cannabis is just around the corner. Municipalities are responsible for some key roll out components. The Provincial government just announced Starting on October 17, consumers 19 and older will be able to purchase cannabis via an online retail platform provided by the Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS). With the current medical cannabis market and the upcoming legalization of the recreational market there are some economic opportunities but also some very unique issues that communities will need to consider to prepare for the changes in legislation.

Those include:

understanding the Federal and Provincial requirementseffects on municipal planning, zoning and bylawsworkforce and economic impact

If you work on land use planning and zoning, business licensing, economic development or are an elected official you will find this session informative. We have expert speakers representing a wide spectrum of interests including municipalities, Health Canada and the Province



Mat Vaughn – Norfolk County – 1:30 -1:45

Planning issuesBylaw, zoning

Allan Rewak – Executive Director, Cannabis Canada Council – 1:45-2:00

Value chain opportunities within the cannabis industryCannabis industry economic impacts

Breanne Dufty – HR Manager- WeedMD – 2:00-2:15

how the nutraceutical / health market is changingwhat role cannabis may play in that marketwhat the changes might  mean for consumers.

Colleen Madden – Director of Innovation at CK Nutraceuticals – 2:15-2:30

how the nutraceutical / health market is changingwhat role cannabis may play in that marketwhat market changes might mean for consumers.

Mike McGuire – Health Canada – 2:30-2:50

supply chaincurrent production and distributionregulating productionapplications for licensing

Questions 2:50-3:15

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