Over the next three weeks we will be featuring resources that focus on SCOR EDC’s three main priorities which are:
Sector Development with a focus on agriculture
Infrastructure that supports economic development
Human capital that supports economic development
Keep reading more for resources:
Employment Initiatives: Agriculture Youth Green Jobs Initiative
Agriculture Business Management resources – Search their site for information on programs to help you manage your business, production and marketing information, farm business diversification, business decision making tools, workshops and events, e-learning, newsletters and updates, and resources and services.
Food Safety and Traceability resourcesFood and Beverage Processing Business resources
The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs continues to offer workshops, resources and eLearning opportunities at no cost for the agri-food and agri-products sector.
Environmental Farm Plan workshop – The Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) is an assessment voluntarily prepared by farm families to increase their environmental awareness in up to 23 different areas on their farm.
Growing Your Farm Profits workshop – Growing Your Farm Profits (GYFP) is the place to start improving your business and by combining self-assessment and action plan development with a range of cost-share funding through Growing Forward 2.
Biosecurity workshop for Producers – The Biosecurity workshops are a good place to start addressing your on-farm biosecurity program. These are commodity-specific, one-day workshops, where a veterinarian or certified crop advisor will show you the benefits of having an on-farm biosecurity program, and identify key practices to help you enhance biosecurity measures on-farm.Incentives and Programs. Head over to our SCOR Business Portal Incentives page where you will find a long list of Agriculture and Food Processing incentives and program opportunities.
Click here to learn more!
The following courses are available for no cost:
Producer: Food Safety Foundations
Processor: Food Safety Foundations
The Basics of Traceability
Processor: Recall
Processor: Sanitation
Processor: Personnel
Producer: Water Use
Producer: Worker Practices
Producer: Maximizing your Traceability Investment
Processor: Profiting from Traceability
Growing Your Farm Profits
Have questions or would like to be featured on the SCOR EDC blog? Email scor@scorregion.com for more information!