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A Spotlight on Workforce Planning Boards in the Region


SCOR EDC is fortunate to be home to two Workforce Planning Boards. The Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie represents Brant Norfolk and Haldimand and there is also the Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford Workforce Planning Board.

Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie

The Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie is one of 26 community-based, not-for-profit corporations established in Ontario to play a leadership role in labour force development.

Comprised of volunteer representatives from Labour, Business, Education and Equity Groups, the board works collaboratively with community partners to identify key labour force issues and challenges, and to develop effective workforce development strategies.


A skilled, resilient workforce contributing to dynamic communities and their economies


The Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie leads the development of local labour market strategies by engaging community partners and maximizing available resources.


The Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie leads the development of local labour market strategies by:

Providing evidence-based research and analysisIdentifying employment trendsTargeting workforce opportunitiesInitiating workforce development strategiesWorking with community partnersAssisting employers with human resource planning


The fourth annual EmployerOne survey was the most successful yet, with 364 employers in the Grand Erie are participating.

The strong participation from local employers has given our community valuable insights into the area’s labour market – insights we can’t get anywhere else. SCOR has played an important role in making this happen.

Our work with EmployerOne continues. Our 2018 survey just wrapped up and participation continued to grow! We look forward to sharing the initial results in March 2018.

To find out more click here!

Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford Workforce Planning Board

The Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board is one of 26 organizations across the province forming the Workforce Planning Ontario network.

Your Workforce Planning & Development Board builds our community by:

gathering local labour market informationidentifying training needs, trends and gaps promoting the value of life-long learning building and strengthening community partnerships

EmployerOne Survey

The fifth annual EmployerOne Survey was conducted in 2017 with 368 surveys from employers providing solid evidence of employers needs in 2017. Results from the 2018 survey will be available in the spring.

The major project being led by the EMOWPDB is the Local Employment Planning Council pilot. The pilot is entering its final year in 2018 with decisions on the future of the LEPC models expected to be made following completion of the third party evaluation underway in the first half of 2018. In addition to providing staffing support to the county-based workforce development committees: Elgin Workforce Development Network, Middlesex Workforce Development Partnership and Oxford Workforce Development Partnership; the LEPC has undertaken the following activities throughout the area.

Community Workforce PlanningLabour market information displaysHelping employers and job seekers to connectSupporting the sharing of employer needs to the broader community

For more information click here!

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